careerfairy is an innovative HR and technology company founded in 2020. The company offers a platform for live streams that enables companies to present themselves to potential applicants in real time. With careerfairy, companies can organize live events, present their corporate culture and interact directly with talents.
Customer problem:
Companies often find it difficult to present their corporate culture authentically and interact directly with potential applicants. Traditional recruitment methods are often not enough to attract the best talent.
Customer focus: B2B
business model:
careerfairy offers a platform on which companies can organize live streams to present themselves to potential applicants. The platform enables companies to host live events, answer questions in real time and provide an authentic insight into the corporate culture.
Technology Description:
The careerfairy platform offers a user-friendly interface for hosting livestreams. Companies can organize live events, conduct interactive Q&A sessions and present their corporate culture in real time. The technology makes it possible to increase reach and attract the best talent.
Market description:
The main target group of careerfairy are companies that want to modernize their personnel recruitment and strengthen their employer brand. The platform offers solutions for companies of all sizes and industries.
careerfairy offers a unique platform for livestreams that is specially tailored to the needs of modern companies. The combination of live events, interactive Q&A sessions and real-time presentations sets careerfairy apart from conventional recruitment methods and makes it an indispensable tool for employers.
Jobs posted by careerfairy